3/05/2014 GR Show in Świerklaniec Zuza ~ Catequill Never Ending Story did well, won nice intermediate class, CAC & added new tittle to her name – she became Polish Champion at age of just 21 months in the youngest age she could !She was also nominated Best Mover!
10-11/08/2013 Int.Show + VIII Show in Sopot First day Zuzia /PLJCH CATEQUILL NEVER ENDING STORY/ won junior class & JCAC 🙂 Second day she won again her class & JCAC & was Best Junior & BIS JUNIOR IV 🙂
26-27/10/2013 International & Int. Polish Winner Show in Poznan First day Zuzia /C.NEVER ENDING STORY/ won intermediate class & her first 'adult’ CAC in age of 15 months & 4 days 🙂 Next day she was back in junior class and won! She became POLAND JUNIOR WINNER’13 and she won again Crufts Qualification’14 !!!
26/04/2014 Int.Show in Opole Zuza ~ Catequill Never Ending Story (Remington Razzle Dazzle & Dream Max Think Twice) Best Of Breed and vice Best of Group at Int.Show in Opole Tosia ~ At First Appearance Anarchia-Box won champion class & CAC
24-25/08/2013 GERMAN WINNER SHOW & Int.Show in Leipzig Zuzia / CATEQUILL NEVERENING STORY at GERMAN WINNER SHOW won Jun.Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, JCAC & her new tittle – GERMAN JUNIOR WINNER’13 !!! At Int.Show she was 2nd in her class with res.Jun.Anw.Dt.VDH & res.JCAC
2.10.2014 IntShow in Komarom Zuza ~ Catequill Never Ending Story won open class & CAC
14/10/2013 Bundessieger Show in Dormund, Germany At Dortmund Bundessieger Show Zuzia /C.Never Ending Story won JCAC & Jun.Anw.Dt.VDH, Crufts qualification’14 and became Bundersjugendsieger’13! She is now also German Junior Champion & VDH Junior Champion (judge Mrs Gisela Werner)
9/03/2014 CRUFTS
Zuza, Catequill Never Ending Story & Booba, ComfortZone Believe in Dreams with the trophies
30/06/2013 INT.SHOW in Szczecin Zuzia /CATEQUILL NEVER ENDING STORY won junior class, JCAC & Best Junior – it was last JCAC she needed so from now she has tittle of POLISH JUNIOR CHAMPION at age of 11 months 🙂
Tosia /AT FIRST APPERANCE Anarchia-Box/ still not in full coat after her litter but did soo well in the ring and was placed as third in champion class.
Tosia at CRUFTS 2011
Tosia at CRUFTS 2011
Paaren / Germany 22.09.2013 Catequill Never Ending Story (Remington Razzle Dazzle x Dream Max Think Twice) ..Zuzia won with Kasia Gas junior class JCAC & J.Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH. and then we tried to compete for the BOS at the same rimg with Zuzia`s mother Tula – Dream Max Think
01.06.2014 Club Show in Konopiste! Zuza ~ Catequill Never Ending Story) won intermediate class, BOS & CLUB WINNER ! Tosia ~ At First Appearance Anarchia-Box won CAC in champion class Judges Penny Gowland & Sue Brown
07.12.2014 last show this year at IntShow in Kassel. Tosia – Ch. At First Appearance Anarchia Box (Summeramba Countdown & Xciting Oligarchia) won res.CAC & gain her 1st point to German Champion tittle Judge C. Hancock
26.10.2014 EDS Brno Zuza ~ Catequill Never Ending Story EX in open class Judge S. Hoger
26.10.2014 EDS Brno Tosia – Ch. At First Appearance Anarchia Box EX in champion class Judge S. Hoger
1.06.2014 Int.Show INTERCANIS /Brno, CZ/ Zuzia /Ch.Catequil Never Ending Story/ at her last performance in 'kids’ class won lovely intermediate, CAC & CACIB… Now will be time to start with 'big girls’…crazy time, when our baby girl becomes adult Tosia /Ch.At First Appearance Anarchia-Box/ won champion class & CAC
Booba – ComfortZone BELIEVE IN DREAMS „The Most Beautiful Minor Puppy of the XII National Dog Show Golden Retriever Świerklaniec / Chorzów 2017” Judge : Mrs. Susan Goodwin ( Petsan )
lusia (Blues Power ComfortZone) won CAC in open class (23 entries)
Blusia from IntShow in Kielce ComfortZone Blues Power – Junior Winner & JBOB under Mrs Susan Kealy
-7/07/2013 DUO CACIB in Ve’lka Ida, Slovakia First day (judge: Kiss Zoltan) Zuzia /CATEQUILL NEVER ENDING STORY/ won junior class & JCAC & was in finalist of Junior Best Of Group Second day (judge: Stanovsky Miroslav) Zuzia was exc, 2nd in junior class
9/03/2014 CRUFTS Zuzia / JCh. Catequill Never Ending Story at Crufts
S9/03/2014 CRUFTS
Tosia CRUFTS 2011
07.09.2014 National Show Częstochowa Tosia – Ch. At First Appearance Anarchia Box EX 1 + CWC in champion class + BOS Zuza ~ Catequill Never Ending Story EX 1 + CWC in open class Judge Sandra Lane
Blusia from Int Show in Łódź Where She won champion class & res CACIB under judge Mr Henrik Härling
16-17.08.2014 DuoDanube Shows Bratislava second day Tosia won CAC, CACIB & BOS Zuza was 2nd with res.CAC Judge Mijo Fury